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W13-Final | May 14, 2010

This is Spectre, A ghostly video installation. Thank you Daniel Shiffman and Danny Rozin for making this happen

W03-OrbitalBrush | February 10, 2010

This app is a simple manipulation of PxP Paint Pixels. The brush itself is a gradient, determined by the distance of the pixels within the brush from the location of the mouse, the brush itself is then offset from the mouse location and orbits around it, in order to do so, I have moved it to the draw loop. The arrow keys mapped to control the brush size.

W02-Pixel x Pixel | February 3, 2010

Basically starting off the animated circles example, but using triangles, a random position for one vertex, and two animated vertexes shared by all triangles, when the two shared vertexes combine, the triangle becomes a line and therefore create a gradation and shift into white.

W01 – Fire Pixel | January 25, 2010